Are you inconvenienced by your glasses or contact lenses?

The millennial generation’s lives are shaped largely by their dependence and use of modern technology and social media. It is therefore needless to say that the digital age has impacted every aspect of their lives, mainly their eye health which is jeopardized due to constantly staring at screens for long durations. Fast-paced living nowadays has made wearing spectacles and contacts more of a hindrance than ever before. If you’re above 18 and is still considering LASIK to be free from glasses or contact lenses, allow us to put your fears aside and look at the many benefits of LASIK surgery :

Here are 6 Reasons Why You Should Consider LASIK Eye Surgery :

  1. LASIK Eye Surgery Can Supports Your Active Lifestyle
    Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is very important for most millennials nowadays. Staying fit through various means like sports, dance and gym are becoming increasingly popular. Wearing glasses can be a hindrance in most sports, even if you’re used to playing sports with glasses, the constant adjustments may hinder you. You also won’t have to worry about packing your eye drops or glasses cases every time you go out or travel with LASIK.
  2. LASIK Eye Surgery Gives You Confidence
    Being called “four eyes” as a child is pretty common but the teasing and bullying that comes of this leads to a social stigma around wearing glasses and can lead to low self-esteem in adult life. We’re not saying that wearing glasses is bad but why should you wear them if you don’t want to? LASIK eye surgery gives you the confidence to go out in public with no fear and gives you the option to be glasses free. Imagine waking up in the morning and not having to search for your glasses to be able to see clearly.
  3. LASIK Eye Surgery Saves You Money In The Long Run
    A lot of you may think that having LASIK surgery done is expensive but it is just a one-time cost when you look at it in the long term as contacts and glasses have to be checked and replaced constantly every few months. LASIK cost only RM 5999 (inclusive of pre eye assessment, initial and post-op consultation, take home care kit) for BOTH EYES! Zero interest instalment plans are also available. Click here to find out more.
  4. Recovery Time Is Minimum
    LASIK is a fairly quick and simple procedure with the actual surgery itself taking roughly 20 minutes. Anaesthesia isn’t necessary during the surgery but instead, your doctor will give you eye drops to number your eyes. You shouldn’t experience any pain although you may feel some pressure. And once the surgery is over, you are free to recover in the comfort of your own home. Many people avoid having surgery because they are afraid of being stuck on the couch for weeks recovering. Fortunately, this will not be the case with LASIK. Immediately after the procedure, your vision may be blurry but most people find it starts to improve within a couple days.
  5. LASIK Eye Surgery Is Safe
    LASIK eye surgery is very safe and technology has helped to improve the safety factor even more. The risks have been reduced due to technology and the benefits have only increased. Using contact lenses can cause infections and dry eyes. All procedures carry a certain risk, but this risk is very minimal with the LASIK procedure.
  6. LASIK Eye Surgery Gives You Convenience
    No matter how long you’ve worn glasses or lenses-the fact is that they are inconvenient at times. Getting out of an airconditioned car/room and getting your glasses all fogged up. Enjoying a bowl of slurpy hot noodles but unable to see through blurry lenses. Having barbeque but glasses kept slipping due to sweat and oil. Striking all these off with the convenience of seeing through your own eyes without assistance allow you to truly enjoy the finer things in life.

Having LASIK eye surgery done when you’re young will help your body to naturally heal faster. The earlier you have your surgery done the more time you will have to enjoy the benefits of it. There has never been a better time to have LASIK eye surgery done, to find out if you are eligible to enjoy the benefits of LASIK eye surgery, consult our ophthalmologist at the Eye Clinic in Borneo Medical Centre today!